Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Carl Bloch and København

Most of my Danish folks are from Vendsyssel (North Jutland) so I don't often have the opportunity to play with the records of København.  Since I have been voluntering at the Carl Bloch exhibit ( I thought I would do a little genealogy on his behalf.

The research methodology I used in København will work in Oslo, Stockholm or any other major Scandinavian city. 

I started with the Folketælling (

Dansk Demografisk Database


Samtlige personer i husstanden

København, København (Staden), Ny Kongensgade, Ny Kongensgade 9, 232, Forhus, 1. Sal, 20, FT-1880, C9744


Navn:Alder:Civilstand:Stilling i husstanden:Erhverv:Fødested:
Carl Heinrich Bloch45 GiftHuusfader, Professor Maler ??Kjøbenhavn
Alma Bloch født Trepka34 Gifthans KoneKjøbenhavn
Paul Trepka Bloch10 Ugiftderes SønKjøbenhavn
Ida Alma Bloch9 Ugiftderes DatterKjøbenhavn
Michael Trepka Bloch7 Ugiftderes SønKjøbenhavn
Emmanuel Trepka Bloch7 Ugiftderes SønKjøbenhavn
Jørgen Andersen Trepka Bloch4 Ugiftderes SønKjøbenhavn
Clara Emilie Rose Bloch1 Ugiftderes DatterKjøbenhavn
Inger Kathrine Hansen20 UgiftTjenestepigeGredsted
Inger Marie Hansen31 UgiftTjenestepigeKimmerslev
Laura Caroline Linda Skjold20 UgiftTjenestepigeKjøbenhavn
Lovise Hansen24 UgiftTjenestepigeRungsted
Anders Fonnesbeck27 UgiftHandelsfuldmægtigKjøbenhavn

Carl Bloch lives on Ny Kongensgade.  I then went to the Danish Archives and found a Street-Parish guide.
I searched using the terms "Gader" and "Sogne".  I found the following:,1030)/Gade_sogn_1787.pdf,1030)/Gade_sogn_1801.pdf,1030)/Gade_sogn_1840.pdf,1030)/Gade_kvarter_sogn_1863.pdf,1030)/Gade_sogn_1870.pdf,1030)/Fra_gade_til_sogn_-_K%C3%B8benhavn_1880.pdf,1030)/Gade_sogn_1890.pdf
I also found a chronological listing of the parishes of København:

Now I could check the parish records.

I found the family in the Holmen, Vor Frue,  Sankt Johannes, and Helligånd parishes.

I also found the Dansk Biografisk Lexikon online (  There are actual scanned pages and a text version of each page.  I dumped the text into and got a rough translation for Carl Henrich Bloch, his brother, his father-in-law, and his grandfather-in-law.  I found out that Alma's father was a war hero and that both parents and her grandfather had died before she got married.

Carl Bloch is truly a master.  I enjoy working with the altar pieces that have made their way to Utah.  I am going to visit these paintings when they are returned.  Carl Bloch is buried in the Holmen Kirkegård and I'm going to pay my respects to this great man and thank him for sharing his talent with the world.