Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Korsbech and Anne Andersdatter - The Regnskaber

Well I did find out a little about Anne Andersdatter of Korsbech.  The tax lists (regnskaber) show me who her mother is.

The thing about tax lists is you have to look at EVERY year.  The records are unique each time.  Sometimes a patronymic name is given along with a residence, sometimes a wife or child is listed by name.  The lesson here, is just look at every year and see what you get.

I should have read my tax list post from a while ago.  Some of this is bound to be a repeat of that.  The best information I got on Anne Andersdatter was from the Konsumtions- familie- og folkeskatsregnskaber

Here are some examples:

1696 part 1.  This shows an entire page.

 Seventh from the bottom you see Dorethe Korsbech listed with a daughter Anne Andersdatter.

1696 part 2 page 352b.    Dorethe Korsbech and 1 datter Anne. 
1697 part 1 page 316b.  Fifth from the bottom Dorthe Rasmusdatter Korsbech, 1 datter Anne

1697 part 2 page 310a.  Second from the top, Dorethe Korsbech, 1 datter Anne.

1698 part 1 page 322b.  Forth from bottom, Dorethe Korsbech, 1 datter Anne
1698 part 2 page 304b.  Forth from bottom, Dorethe Korsbech, 1 datter Anne

1699 part 1 page 301b.  Forth from bottom, Dorethe Rasmusdatter Korsbech, 1 datter, Anne.

1699 part 2 page 290a,  Dorthe and Anne are missing.

I found one example in the Ekstraskateregnskaber 1699-1700 page 520a

Third from the top, Dorethe Korsbæch. 

I could not find an Anders linked to Korsbech or Anne Andersdatter or her mother in other years.  But I did find the name of her mother.

Korsbech and Anne Andersdatter - The Kirkebøger

I was having difficulty finding anything about my grandmother Anne Andersdatter.  The only thing I knew was she married Mogens Nielsen 21 Aug. 1701 in the Gøttrup church (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 135.)  She was listed as being from Korsbech (also spelled Korsbæk).  So I read the parish register hoping to find something more about her.  I did find her as a witness to the baptism of Gertrud Mikkelsdatter (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 51.)  And that's the only place I found her other than her marriage record.  What I'm going to share are examples of how Korsbech was written in the churchbook.

This is from Anne's marriage record (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 135)

This is Anne Andersdatter Korsbech (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 51)

What I did learn was there was another family living in Korsbech, Niels Jørgensen and Anne Pedersdatter.  Anne was a witness at several baptisms.

 Ender Ollufsen's baptism (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 34).  Note that Kors is spelled out.

Mads Jensen's baptism (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 57).

Other examples of Korsbech are:

Maren Nielsdatter's baptism.  She is the child of Niels Jørgensen and Anne Pedersdatter (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 27)  Note the use of the cross in place of Kors.

Birgitte Jensdatter's baptism.  Anne Pedersdatter is a witness.  (Gøttrup kirkebøger 1682-1724 opslag 31)