Tuesday, June 7, 2011

København Polis Mandtaller (Police Censuses) 1900-1923

These records are organized alphabetically by street name then within the street name are odd numbered dwellings followed by even numbered dwellings.

If you have an address, you're set.  If you don't, here is a link to online images of index cards http://www.politietsregisterblade.dk/.  I actually had two addresses for my Great Great Grandparents (Niels Christian and Ingeborg Mortensen):  11 Korsgade and 3 Ole Bullsgade.

FHL# 376390 Ole Bullsgade bd 2138 1923-1919

Here are my grandparents:

The neat thing here is their former address in Ålborg is listed.  They were on Ole Bullsgade for May 1920 and Nov. 1920.  They are there in Feb. 1921 (See 1921 Folketælling) but they are not on the Nov. 1921 lists.  I jumped to 11 Korsgade.  This is the LDS mission office.  I found them in Nov. 1922.

Here is a close up of my grandparents.

Wow!  I have another place they lived  34 Øresundsgade.  I cannot wait until I go to Denmark again.  I can try and find these street addresses and take a look at another place my grandparents lived in Denmark.

Tak igen Sherry!!! 

København Polis Mandtaller (Police Censuses) 1869-1882

My friend Sherry told me about these and naturally, I couldn't wait to head to Salt Lake and play in this record. 

This is an AMAZING tool for working in København.  It makes finding your Hans Jensen a lot easier, well from 1869-1882 anyway. 

Here are some basic instructions from Gary Horlacher on www.progenealogists.com (http://www.progenealogists.com/denmark/copenh/ to go straight to the instructions I'm quoting)

Police Census Index 1869-1882 (FHL #0322451-0323358). These indexes are divided by year and then by Kreds (Districts). Within each of the six districts is a listing of each surname by the first letter of the surname, street by street. For example, each of the surnames starting with "A" within District 1 (Kreds 1) will be listed street by street (streets listed alphabetically under each letter of the surname), then the surnames starting with "B", etc. Although it takes some effort to search these indexes, it is much faster than searching the entire census and helps identify the street and district where the family was living at a particular time. This census was taken twice a year in May and November

I don't have anybody I'm currently researching living in København from 1869-1882 so I decided to look for my friend Carl Bloch.

The first step is to pick a census month and year.  Then review each of the 6 Kreds Alphabetical Listings of Surnames.  These are broken down in within the letter by street name:

(FHL Film 322499 Alf. Reg. Kreds 1 1874-1875 Bd 906-907)

You can't see it but this is a "B" page.  We see Gl. [Gammel] Strand and Gl. [Gammel Torv].  The Streets are in alphabetical order under each letter.  Listed are Residents of both sexes and their children 10 years and older in the first column who's surname begins with B.  The second column lists servants and lodgers who's surname begins with B.  The way the index breaks out:  Census (May or Nov.) for each year (1869-1882) => Kreds => Surname => Street name.

Carl Bloch and Alma live on Gl Strand 52

Next we go to the film 322806 (Nov 1873 Kreds 1 Frederiksholms Kanal - Klosterstræde Bd 228)  The actual record is organized alphabetically by street name.  The dwellings are listed numerically within the street name.  All odd numbered dwellings are listed followed by even numbered dwellings.  The way the record breaks down:  København => Kreds 1 => Gammel Strand => Even numbered dwellings => 52 => Carl Bloch household.  This pattern is repeated each May and November for the years 1869-1882.

This is the title page for each dwelling.

This is a list of those living (age 10 and over) at 52 Gammel Strand
This is a close up of Carl Bloch and Alma Bloch.

Mange tak til Sherry!  I learned how to use a new record.