Tonight, I found the probate record for a grandfather, Anders Jakobsen. He died 6 Feb. 1854 it Kaas, Jetsmark, Hjørring, Denmark. To find a probate for him I would check the Herredsret records first. The manors' responsibility for keeping track of probate records faded in the early 1800's and the Herred or Judicial District began keeping more detailed records.
The record I chose to search was the 1840-1846 volume. At the end there was an index.
Here we see that there is an Anders Jacobsen hus
When searching most Danish records, it is good to remember that the pagination is usually as follows: 1a,1b,2a,2b. On page 312b we find the following:
We see five children listed: Jacob Andersen of Mannemase
Jens Andersen of Vrendsted
Else Marie Andersdatter of hjemme
Peder Christian Andersen of Lundbæk
Niels Andersen of Kaas.
Julen nærmer sig! Det er det mest fantastiske tid af året.